Monday, July 28, 2008

Weekend Workout 5PM 8/2 & 3 Gleason Park

Join us this weekend and start a program that will forever change your perception of fitness. We will do CrossFit Warm ups and workouts and be through in 20 - 30 minutes. We will scale the weight and intensity to meet your specific fitness level and goals. We have a great time and encourage one another as we make progress in our strength and endurance. Bring your dog, the park is doggie friendly. Our park workouts are always free and I've got all the gear for the workout routines. Join us and you will see why CrossFit is revolutionizing the fitness world. Visit them .
Shot me an email if you have any questions,
Be Strong and Courageous !!
Had time to do CF Warm up and Dead Lifts, Hang Cleans, Push Presses, 4 Rds of 10-8-6 with two 40# dumbbells and got in the car as thunder roared and lightning struck.
Join us on Sunday at 5:00 PM and we will try to get through a quick workout before the customary afternoon storm.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

CrossFit Journal Oct 2002 From an Article on Scalability and Applicability

Scalability and Applicability
The question regularly arises as to the applicability of a regimen like CrossFit’s to older and deconditioned or detrained populations.
The needs of an Olympic athlete and our grandparents differ by degree not kind. One is looking for functional dominance the other
for functional competence. Competence and dominance manifest through identical physiological mechanisms.
We’ve used our same routines for elderly individuals with heart disease and cage fighters one month out from televised bouts. We
scale load and intensity; we don’t change programs.
We get requests from athletes from every sport looking for a strength and conditioning program for their sport. Firemen, soccer
players, triathletes, boxers, and surfers all want programs that conform to the specificity of their needs. While admitting that there
are surely needs specific to any sport, the bulk of sport specific training has been ridiculously ineffective. The need for specificity is
nearly completely met by regular practice and training within the sport not in the strength and conditioning environment. Our terrorist
hunters, skiers, mountain bikers and housewives have found their best fitness from the same regimen.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Weekend Workout 7/26&27,Gleason Park 5:00PM

"Rugby is a good occasion for keeping thirty bullies far from the center of the city." -- Oscar Wilde
Join us Saturday and Sunday for Weekend Workouts 5:00 PM at Gleason Park. We tailor CrossFit Workouts to your specific fitness level, do a warmup, start the clock and go. Twenty minutes later you're done. Build strength and endurance in a outdoor team atmosphere. Park workouts are always free. I've got all the gear we'll ever need. Join us. Shoot me an Email if you have any questions
CrossFit Warmup
Barbell Thrusters with 85# and
Sandbag Thrusters
Perfect Pushups
16 Min.
Saturday's Workout:
Drew, John, Doug, and new CrossFitter Jason
CrossFit Warmup
We did 5 reps each of Power Cleans, Front Squats, and Push Presses with
95# Barbell
75# Barbell
25# Pr. Dumbbells
55# Sandbag
Great work.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Weekend Workouts 7/19&20 Gleason Park 5:00PM

CrossFit is the greatest fitness concept ever. Great for first responders, law enforcement, athletes, and non-athletes,parents, kids, and grandparents. Workouts are scaled to the level of fitness you bring to the park. Weekend Workouts are always free. Shoot me an email if you have any questions

Some of my favorites -

CrossFit Warmup, Dan John's The "Rapid Ascent" Program.
8 - 6 - 4
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
95 to 105 lbs

15 Push-ups
12 Dips
9 Push-presses, 95#
Five Rounds in 20 min.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Weekend Workouts 7/12&13, 5:00PM Gleason Park

This weekend, at Gleason Park - see directions posted below, we will do warmups and 20 to 30 minute CrossFit workouts, styled to individual fitness levels and goals. Short and sweet. We tailor each exercise for rehab or fitness, to meet your personal ability. For young, old, everyone, park workouts are always free. Join us at the at 5:00pm Sat and Sun and you will be proud of your new fitness adventure. Also, Gleason Park is doggie friendly. We meet at the monkey bars on the fitness trail behind the pool. Bring a friend!!
Be Strong and Courageous!!

Saturday was a rainout. Ugh!
Park Multi-task Workout
Dumbbell Thrusters 25# ea.
Weighted Lunges 25#Kettlebell
80# BarbellPush Press
Sumo Dead Lift High Pulls 25# KB
Overhead Squats, empty bar
Perfect Pushups
That's 228 reps. We finished in 22 min.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Weekend Workout 7/5&6 Gleason Park 5:00PM

Gotta luv this guy....The black shoulder patch says 'Doing the work of'. The flags are France , Germany ,and Russia .

CrossFit is the greatest fitness concept ever. Great for first responders, law enforcement, athletes, and non-athletes, parents, kids, and grandparents. Workouts are scaled to the level of fitness you bring to the park. Weekend Workouts are always free. Shoot me an email if you have any questions
Sunday's Results:
30 sandbag cleans
30 sandbab squats
30 sandbag push-jerks
12 minutes - Great strength builder. Join us next weekend.
Be Strong and Courageous!!
Saturday's Results:
15 deadlifts
12 hang cleans
9 front squats
6 push jerks
3 rounds with 75 #s
Join us on Sunday in Gleason Park at 5:00PM. We will scale the workout to your fitness level and goals.

NO LIGHTNING, but its raining, - we will continue our workout. We will adapt and keep away from Olympic Lifts with hundreds of pounds on a slippery bar and Sit-ups in a mud puddle. In the CrossFit spirit, Onward!