Sunday, July 20, 2008

Weekend Workout 7/26&27,Gleason Park 5:00PM

"Rugby is a good occasion for keeping thirty bullies far from the center of the city." -- Oscar Wilde
Join us Saturday and Sunday for Weekend Workouts 5:00 PM at Gleason Park. We tailor CrossFit Workouts to your specific fitness level, do a warmup, start the clock and go. Twenty minutes later you're done. Build strength and endurance in a outdoor team atmosphere. Park workouts are always free. I've got all the gear we'll ever need. Join us. Shoot me an Email if you have any questions
CrossFit Warmup
Barbell Thrusters with 85# and
Sandbag Thrusters
Perfect Pushups
16 Min.
Saturday's Workout:
Drew, John, Doug, and new CrossFitter Jason
CrossFit Warmup
We did 5 reps each of Power Cleans, Front Squats, and Push Presses with
95# Barbell
75# Barbell
25# Pr. Dumbbells
55# Sandbag
Great work.


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