Monday, January 28, 2008

Weekend of 2/2 and 2/3

This weekend we will be in Atlanta at a nephew's wedding. Go by HC2CF's Sat. 9:00 AM, Wickham Park Workout. Harbor City Crossfit Join in with the gang from HC2CF for a change of scenery. We will be back the following weekend, 2/2 and 2/3 for our Weekend Workouts at Gleason Park, and will have exciting CrossFit Workouts. Our park workouts are always free and we scale the intensity to each persons fitness level and goals. Join us to get in shape for the new year. CrossFit will forever change your perception of fitness.
Be Strong and Courageous!!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Weekend Workout Sunday 1/27 - 4 PM Gleason Park

On Saturday I will attend Harbor City CrossFit's Oly Clinic. Check them out Harbor City Crossfit . The clinic is at 1PM, contact Mike to signup, . Sunday we will do another CrossFit Workout of the Day (WOD) at Gleason Park. Meet at the Monkey Bars on the fitness trail behind the swimming pool. All are welcome and we will see that the workout is scaled to your individual fitness level. Gleason Park is doggie friendly for friendly dogs, so bring yours. Join us now for a great 2008! Email me if you have any questions, Be Strong and Courageous!

Harbor City CrossFit's Saturday Olympic Weightlifting Clinic went great. They had about twenty attendees and Drew Mckay did a thorough job of going over the sequence of the:
Snatch, Cleans, and Jerks. He made a group presentation, then we broke up into groups for hands on training. HC2CF is well equipped and Mike Manning and all of the gang do a great job of giving knowledgeable instructions.

Sunday's Results:
Beautiful day in the park.
We did a thorough CrossFit Warmup.
Then, 3 X 10 of the following
- Deadlifts
- Kettlebell Swings
- Press trio - Shoulder Press, Push Press, Jerk

Next weekend we will be in Atlanta at a nephew's wedding. Go by HC2CF's Sat. 9:00 AM, Wickham Park Workout. Click here: Harbor City Crossfit We will be back the following weekend, 2/2 and 2/3 at Gleason Park, and will have exciting CrossFit Workouts. Our park workouts are always free and we scale the intensity to each persons fitness level and goals. Join us to get in shape for the new year. CrossFit will forever change your perception of fitness.
Be Strong and Courageous!!

Saturday, January 19, 2008



NO LIGHTNING, but its raining, - we will continue our workout. We will adapt and keep away from Olympic Lifts with hundreds of pounds on a slippery bar and Sit-ups in a mud puddle.
In the CrossFit spirit, Onward!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Weekend Workout 1/19 & 20 4:00PM Gleason Park

The Push Up is the body weight trainer's answer to the Bench Press. Yet, it is of more benefit. There is great core strength training when you engage the core muscles to keep your body from arching or sagging. For extra resistance have a buddy place a medicine ball, or sand bag between your shoulders for a few reps.
This weekend we will meet as usual, Sat and Sun at 4:00 PM - Gleason Park, for CrossFit Workouts. The CrossFit program delivers a fitness that is, by design, broad, general, and inclusive. Inclusive, in that we will individually scale exercises to meet everyone's specific fitness level and goals. CrossFit's specialty is not specializing. Combat, survival, many sports, and life itself reward this kind of fitness and, on average, punish the specialist. Join in and start getting the benefits of these workouts in a beautiful park surrounding. Great fun and our Park Workouts are always free. Email me if you have any questions,
Bring a friend - you may need them to help get you out from under the sandbag. Be Strong and Courageous!
Samson Stretches 10 sec.
Overhead Squats with 30# Barbell
Knees To Elbows
Good Mornings with 25# Medicine Ball on neck
Weighted Pullups
5 reps of each for a round. 10 rounds.
Total 300 Reps
Join us on Sunday at 4:00PM. I'll have the Boom Box on the NFL Playoffs. If you haven't done CrossFit before, no worries, come out and we will start you off with a warmup and scale your workout to meet your specific fitness level. If you are a CrossFitter come out and be part of our team in the park. Park workouts are always free. Email me at .
We did the CrossFit Warmup to ward off the cold wind. Had the radio on Patriots win over Chargers in the NFL Playoffs. Good Stuff!
Quick Version of Fight Gone Bad - 30 Sec. Per Station
3 rounds, 1 min rest between rds.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Weekend Workouts 1/12 & 13 4:00 PM Gleason Park

We will continue the Weekend Workouts at Gleason Park, Indian Harbor Beach, FL. Sat. and Sun. at 4:00 PM. This weekend we will do a CrossFit Combo Bodyweight and Weight Training Workout, short, sweet, and you're outta there. 20 - 30 minutes is all you want. Workouts are always scaled to the participant's fitness level and personal goals. Park Workouts are always free. I'll bring the gear. Join us for fitness this weekend. Also, visit Mike Mahler's Site,
Kettlebell exercises are a Russian cure for the flabby arm syndrome.
Saturday's Results:
We did a Thruster and Pushup workout using heavy objects. Barbells, dumbbells, sandbag, and medicine ball. Great work for strength gain.
Sunday Rained Out. Bummer.
Join us next weekend for a great CrossFit Workout that incorporates strength and metabolic conditioning.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Weekend Workouts 1/5 & 1/6 4:00 PM Gleason Park

Start the New Year out with a new fitness program that brings great results! This weekend we will be doing a CrossFit workout. We will begin with a short warm up and 20 - 30 min. w/o, that can be adapted to all fitness level and goals. Join us and start getting great results. Weekend workouts are always free. I'll have all the gear we'll need. We meet at the monkey bars on the fitness trail behind the pool. Bring a friend and a water bottle and let's get started. Shoot me an email if you have any questions, .
We drilled at power cleans and squats with the sandbag, along with sets of pushups. Drew was just recovering from a cold and finished the workout in the rain. I was worried we would not see him on Sunday.
New CrossFitters Debi and Coy joined us. Strong couple that did a great job on their first CrossFit Workout. They are a welcome addition to our Park Workouts. Plus Drew fought off his cold again and showed up for a tough Team Tabata routine. We did Pullups, Pushups, Situps, and Squats for 8 intervals, that's 32 total intervals and who knows how many reps. Good job by all and great fun to do this workout with a partner.
Join us next weekend for CrossFit Workouts that get results in functional strength and endurance. I'll post more about next weekend later this week.
Be Strong and Courageous!