Weekend Workouts 8/30&31 5:00PM Gleason Park

For all those who labor, have a great Labor Day!
Weekend CrossFit Workouts in Gleason Park at 5:00PM, Sat. and Sun. Meet at the monkey bars for CrossFit workouts that we will scale to your personal fitness level. Warmup and 20 -30 minute workouts and you're done. Saturday we will do a CrossFit Hybrid Workout Hybrid Program Heavy Metcons - CrossFit Discussion Board. Sunday will be a mainstream CrossFit Workout. Weekend Workouts are always free. Bring a bottle of water and a towel and I'll bring all the gear we'll need. Again, weekend workouts are always free and scaled to your level of fitness. Great for first responders, military, military recruits, and weekend warriors!!
Be There! Be Strong! Be Courageous!
SUNDAY'S RESULTS: Park Version, Fight-Gone-Bad:
60 Sec. Per Station, do as many reps as you can...then move to next station. Complete 3 rounds with 1 min. rest between rounds. 3,2,1 go.....
Wall Ball 25# throw to 8' target
Sumo Dead Lift High Pull
Push Press with two 35# Dumbbells
Ring Rows
Box Jumps
Drew, Doug had over 300 reps.
CrossFit Warmup, Dan John's The "Rapid Ascent" Program.
8 - 6 - 4
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
with (2) 40# Dumbbells
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