Weekend Workouts 9/1 & 2, Gleason Park 5:00PM

We no longer meet for weekend workouts at the park. JOIN ME AT IN-2-FITNESS FOR STRENGTH AND FITNESS PERSONAL TRAINING. IN-2-FITNESS, , 580 MALABAR RD., PALM BAY FL. in2fitnesscfl.com/TEL(321) 676-1002, DOUG SMITH,cell (321)506-0513, STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING TRAINER. For local CrossFit see Mike at HARBOR CITY CROSSFIT or visit CrossFit Hdqtrs at http://www.crossfit.com/
We're back for this Saturday and Sunday CrossFit Workouts at Gleason Park. We'll start at 5:00PM with a warm-up and bang-bang-bang, 20 - 30 minutes is all it takes and your done.