Monday, October 8, 2007

Weekend Workout 10/13&14-5:00PM Gleason Park

This weekend we will be doing a CrossFit workout. We will begin with a short warm up and 20 - 30 min. w/o, that can be adapted to all fitness level and goals. Join us and start getting great results. Weekend workouts are always free. I'll have all the gear we'll need. We meet at the monkey bars on the fitness trail behind the pool. Bring a friend and a water bottle and let's get started. Shoot me an email if you have any questions, .
Be Strong and Courageous!
SATURDAY'S RESULTS:Drew, Doug, we did "Fran" team style 21 - 15 - 9 , Thrusters with 75#barbell and dead hang pullups, thats a total of 90 reps. Then some skill work on Hand Stand Pushups. Join us on Sunday at 5:00 PM for a great workout.
SUNDAY'S RESULTS: At the park we did 5 reps x 5 Rounds, - Deadlifts, Cleans, Push Presses - That's 75 reps. We lifted huge amounts of weights, which, because of our humility, won't be recorded. Come next weekend and let us scale a workout for your specific fitness level. Great results!!


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