Weekend Workout 5/26, 27 - Gleason Park - 2:00PM

This weekend, at Gleason Park - see directions above, we will do warmups and 20 to 30 minute CrossFit workouts, styled to individual fitness levels and goals. Short and sweet. We tailor each exercise for rehab or fitness, to meet your personal ability. For young, old, everyone, park workouts are always free. Join us at the at 2:00pm Sat and Sun and you will be proud of your new fitness adventure. Also, Gleason Park is doggie friendly. We meet at the monkey bars on the fitness trail behind the pool. Bring a friend!!
SATURDAY'S WORKOUT - Elaine and Joe, from Patrick AFB joined us today and smoked the workout. They did a great job,
CrossFit's - "Helen"
Run 400 yds
kettlebell swing x 21
pullups x12
Three Rounds for Time
Joe 8:00 min.
Elaine 9:45 min.
Doug 12:00 min.
Join us on Sunday at 2:00pm for a great CrossFit workout. 30 minutes is all you want!
Oh yeah, good luck to Chuck Liddell tonight in his UFC fight.
In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. We scaled the w/o and did it for three rounds. The stations are:
Wall-ball � 25 pound ball, 7 1/2 ft target. (Reps)
Deadlift high-pull 25 # Kettlebell (Reps)
Squats� (Reps)
Push-press 75 #'s (45#'s) (Reps)
1 min out and back run � count as 10 reps
Again Elaine and Joe from Patrick AFB blazed through the workout.
Elaine 412 total reps, great job handling a 25# wallball
Joe 482 total reps, terrific
Doug 303 total reps, slow but the usual sloppy form. Great Fun for all!!