Weekend Workout 2/23 & 24- 4:00 PM Gleason Park

On Saturday and Sunday we will be at Gleason Park in Indian Harbour. Gleason Park is on Patrick Drive, 2 blocks north of Hwy 518(Eau Gallie). Gleason Park is doggie friendly. We will warm up and do a 20 - 30 min. CrossFit workout, styled to individual fitness levels and goals. Short and sweet. We tailor each exercise for rehab or fitness, to meet your personal ability. For young, old, everyone, park workouts are always free. Join us at the Monkey Bars on the back of the jogging trail between the lake and the swimming pool at 4:00pm Sat and Sun. You will be proud of your new fitness adventure. Easy!! Shoot me an Email if you have any questions, dougsmith02@aol.com
Great gang at the park today. Our selected Park Workout was "THE STANDING MELTDOWN".
We sorted out the weights and completed 9 rounds in 20 minutes. Good work by everyone.
Join us next Sunday at 4:00 pm and grab onto the CrossFit movement. We are getting great results. Park workouts are always free.
Be Strong and Courageous!! See you next Sunday.
Saturday's Results:
Gideon, Drew, and Doug did the park version of "Cindy"
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats
We did this as a group and pushed through 11 rounds. That's 330 reps. Good form throughout, nice going fellows. Join us tomorrow for another workout that will bring results. We meet at 4:00pm and do a short warmup and a quick 20-30 min CrossFit workout that we can scale to your specific level of fitness. J0in us for workouts in the great outdoors. Bring your dog, the park is doggie friendly.
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