Weekend CrossFit Workouts - 7/7 & 7/8, 5:00PM
Weekend CrossFit Workouts in Gleason Park at 5:00PM, Sat. and Sun. Meet at the monkey bars for CrossFit workouts that we will scale to your personal fitness level. Warmup and 20 -30 minute workouts and you're done. Weekend Workouts are always free. Bring a bottle of water and a towel and I'll bring all the gear we'll need. Again, weekend workouts are always free and scaled to your level of fitness. Great for first responders, military, and weekend warriors!! Be There!!

Independence Day Quote:
I have just returned from visiting the Marines at the front, and there is not a finer fighting organization in the world! Douglas MacArthur
SATURDAY'S RESULTS: 15 - 10 - 5 Rounds of Deadlifts with 95#, Push Presses with 95#, Air Squats, Lunges. Finished with some practice on assisted Pullups with a giant stretch-band. Drew proved he was a CrossFitter by completing this, his second workout today. These outdoor workouts are great fun. Gleason Park is beautiful and has all the boot-camp obstacle course stations you can imagine... Join us on Sunday at 5:00PM. We meet at the monkey bars on the trail behind the pool. We will scale a workout to meet your level of fitness. Weekend workouts are always free. Join us for great motivational workouts!!
SUNDAY'S RESULTS: "CINDY" - Another Doug joined us for todays workout and did a clean 9 rounds. Good stuff for a newbie in the humid Florida heat. We had a great time.
I'll post more about next weekend's workout later, but plan on joining us at 5:00PM at Gleason Park on 7/14 and 15. Be Strong!!
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